LabWrite for Middle School

Name _________________________                        Date _____________________




Owl Pellets Laboratory



What does an owl eat?


Materials: One for every two students

Owl pellet                   metric ruler

Dissecting probe         hand lens


Scientific Concept:






Procedure: Read-check -reread

_____ 1. Put your owl pellet on a sheet of white paper.


_____ 2. Gently break the pellet into two pieces.


_____ 3. Observe the outside of your owl pellet. Record your observations in InLab.


_____ 4. Carefully separate bones, skull, fur, and feathers.


_____ 5. Record the number of each type of bone found in Table 1 below.


_____ 6. Record the length, number, shape and color of the teeth. You will need to make a table. Use a separate sheet of paper.


Table 2. Length, number, shape and color of teeth























_____7. Using the bone chart and skeleton guides try to fit the bones together to form skeletons.


_____ 8. Make a concept web of your scientific concept.

            Hint: Put your scientific concept in center.





Table 1. Number and types of bone found in a sample Owl Pellet



Number of vertebras found: 


Number of scapulas found: 


Number of ribs found: 


Number of tibias/fibulas found: 


Number of humeri found: 


Number of femurs found: 


Number of pelvic bones found: 


Type and number of animal skulls found from dissected pellets of that region:


Number of rat skulls found: 

Number of shrew skulls found: 


Number of mice skulls found: 

Number of mole skulls found: 


Number of vole skulls found: 

Number of bird skulls found: 




Answer questions on a separate sheet of paper.


  1. Describe an owl pellet.
  2. What kinds of bones were the most numerous?
  3. Were you able to put together a complete skeleton from the bones in the pellet? Describe your skeleton.
  4. What animals were eaten by the owl?
  5. What animal is easy prey for the owl? Why?
  6. What have you learned about an owlÕs characteristics from examining its prey?





Discuss your findings in a written paragraph or more.

Hint: You may use all your notes.








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Sponsored and funded by National Science Foundation
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Site design by Rosa Wallace

Rev. RW 5/16/05