Using LabWrite in Your Lab Classes

As the professor of a science class, you probably fit into one of two scenarios with your lab classes. You either teach your own labs or you have teaching assistants who teach the labs. For either scenario, it is important to be sure that your students are prepared and motivated to use LabWrite effectively. To accomplish that goal, we recommend that lab instructors apply four basic teaching strategies:

1. Introduce students to LabWrite
2. Assign the PreLab before labs
3. Remind students to use other parts of LabWrite as appropriate
4. Grade the lab reports

Before exploring these teaching strategies, accessible from "How to Teach with LabWrite--The Basics" on the instructor's site homepage, look over the advice on this page for professor teaching their own labs and professors directing teaching assistants.

For professors teaching their own labs:

Initial Decisions for Using LabWrite
Issues you should address before implementing LabWrite in your classes

Special LabWrite Teaching Tools
Descriptions of features you can use to for specialized approaches to lab reports and to enhance student learning

How to Teach with LabWrite—The Basics
Four teaching strategies for preparing and motivating students to use LabWrite effectively

For professors directing teaching assistants:

Initial Decisions for Using LabWrite
Issues you should address before implementing LabWrite in your classes

Special LabWrite Teaching Tools
Descriptions of features you can use to for specialized approaches to lab reports and to enhance student learning

Managing Teaching Assistants Using LabWrite
A guide to directing TAs in using LabWrite effectively

Making a Stronger Connection Between Lab and Lecture
Tips for reducing the gap between the lecture section and the lab section



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